Kijabe Hospital
Combining the Word with Deed
by Heidi Thulin, photography by Zachary Murphy
Since 1915, Kijabe Hospital in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya has sought to glorify God through the provision of compassionate health care, excellent medical training, and spiritual ministry in Jesus Christ. The hospital’s good name draws Christian doctors and nursing students from all over the African continent (some as far away as Cameroon) who wish to combine their medical training with their passion for working in under-resourced areas that are often difficult to access. Likewise, hospitals in some of those difficult places specifically request and hire Kijabe graduates, because they know they will receive quality and professional individuals and teams.
Training programs at the hospital last from eighteen months to five years and give students the chance to put their medical skills and their love for people and Jesus Christ into practice.
Several local doctors, who are graduates of Kijabe’s programs themselves and understand the value of incorporating Christian values into their workplace environment, also take part in instructing students.
Doctors use an endoscope to gain visual access to the patient’s airways. Kijabe Hospital is one of the few hospitals in Kenya that has access to high-tech equipment like this.
The medical simulation room is a recent addition to the hospital, donated by GE and Vanderbilt University. It enables students to train and rehearse emergent medical problems, so that when they encounter similar situations with real patients, the new doctors and nurses are equipped to provide optimal care.
Besides medical training, students recieve a well-rounded Christian education. Once a week, they gather for Bible study, prayers, and discussion. They attend a week-long Kairos course which introduces them to the vision God has for his whole world. And as they interact with their patients each day, students learn how to comfort and care for them in a biblical and loving way.
Because of Kijabe staff’s gentle, non-discriminatory care, nearly 500 patients accepted Christ last year.
Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
Pray for Kijabe’s students as they step out into their chosen fields, wherever their expertise and passion leads them. May they be shining examples of integrity, compassion, faith, and love to their fellow staff members and patients.