Blog Categories:
Africans in Missions
African Mobilization
Media in Missions
Africa Based Support
Education & Healthcare
Inbound Teams With AIM
Inbound Teams equip new missionaries for life among unreached people groups in Africa. Teams exist in urban and rural contexts and last for one year.
Reaching Their Own
Luka and Umjuma Otuba, of South Sudan’s Lopit tribe, serve as part of a multinational Outreach Team working to reach their own people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Movement in the South Sudan Hills
“God is doing things within peoples’ hearts, and our job is just to be available when the Holy Spirit is moving.”
A Noble Effort
So there beside the drama of a protracted African war, beside the aid workers, peacekeepers, and pallets of relief food, were teachers. And some of them were missionaries.
Move Against the Fear
What do you take on a trip like that? Good boots and a Bible. A notebook and an open mind. And, if you dare, an open heart.
Little Moments in Lopit
So maybe these are the best moments. Moments like now, when I can reflect upon where we once were and where we are now. When I can honestly say, I love these people.
Lost and Found in Sudan
Panther, like Jacob’s favored son, was found, and he had a story to tell of God’s goodness and divine intervention – and a captive audience to hear it.