Blog Categories:
Africans in Missions
African Mobilization
Media in Missions
Africa Based Support
Education & Healthcare
Becoming a Lifelong Learner
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” — African proverb
We need each other
Only Jesus could bring together a wacky team like us. But I can’t imagine doing this work without a team.
Firm Foundations
What we’re attempting to do here among the Antakarana people is very much the same as building something new.
Inspiring Young Tanzanians Through “The Distant Boat”
There is an intensity to the group of eighteen Tanzanian youth gathered in the open air banda in Engedi that night. Again and again, the question comes up in their discussion — how can we share the gospel in hard places?
Movement in the South Sudan Hills
“God is doing things within peoples’ hearts, and our job is just to be available when the Holy Spirit is moving.”
Two Years in the Desert
At the end of the Samburu TIMO team’s two-year term, they gathered together in Nairobi to share their stories.
Little Village
The varied and vibrant student housing community of Shalom University in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo
The Distant Boat: Two Years Running
“It was made to be used as a tool for mobilizers over a long period of time. Hopefully, for years to come.” In the two years since the film’s release, it seems to be just starting this journey.
Tumaini Counselling Centre
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Tumaini is a multi-disciplinary counselling centre that is one of a kind on the African continent.
A Newborn Sakalava Church
This group of young men was singing the word of God, and they were loving it.
A Thousand Days in a Thousand Hills
We haven’t been here that long. Relatively speaking. But a lot can happen in a thousand days.
My First Time Stepping Into Kibera
As my eyes tried to take it all in, I found myself at peace watching these people. Not one of them seemed upset, sad, or hurt. Almost all of them had smiles on their faces, and joy that was visible in their souls.