See what God is doing in Madagascar through a local band called Groupe Tsinfitaka!
EXPLORE more stories
Jeso Lalagna is a Christian worship song by Groupe Tsinfitaka and it is one of the first Sakalava Christian songs ever recorded.
Meet Lucky - a South African turned missionary to the unreached in Madagascar. Follow Lucky’s journey from the Township where he grew up to the small island where he now serves on a missionary team.
Meet Peter, a missionary mobilizer in Zambia who’s using farming as a way to support his ministry and his family.
Meet Peter, a Kenyan missionary pastor serving on the Kenyan Coast
Meet Phil, an American serving as an aircraft mechanic with AIM Air in Nairobi, Kenya
Meet James, an Ethiopian living and serving in Northern Kenya
Meet Carrie, a missionary from the UK serving as the Crisis and Risk Management Consultant for AIM
AIM hosted a 24-hour, live global prayer event to celebrate 125 years of ministry
Meet Timothy, a Ugandan missionary reaching the Unreached of Uganda
Meet Tshepang, a Botswanan missionary serving in South Africa
Learn how AIMs healthcare workers are making disciples while providing care
Africa Inland Mission celebrates 55 years of ministry with the Rendille of Kenya
This 2-3 year training program is designed to prepare people for long-term ministry
The Rendille people of Northern Kenya celebrate the translation of the New Testament into their language
Meet John, an airplane mechanic (and missionary) serving in Nairobi, Kenya
Africa Inland Mission has an open door to serve in Chad - it is not an easy task, but there is tremendous potential for the gospel
Meet Rosina, a Malagasy missionary reaching her own people, the Sakalava