One of our greatest joys is playing a part in inviting, equipping, sending, training, serving, and encouraging African workers to take the gospel to the remaining unreached peoples of Africa and beyond.


Meet Peter, a Kenyan missionary pastor serving on the Kenyan Coast.

Meet James, an Ethiopian living and serving in Northern Kenya.

Meet Timothy, a missionary in his home country of Uganda.

The African Church – growing, vibrant, and confident in the Gospel – has tremendous potential to reach this beautiful continent and beyond.

Jesus Christ is building His church in Africa. And the Lord of the Harvest is calling more and more African laborers into His harvest fields.

Explore this ongoing series about Africans on the front lines of this work:

Meet Tshepang, a missionary from Botswana, mobilizing Africans into mission in South Africa.

Meet Rosina, a Malagasy missionary reaching her own people, the Sakalava.

Meet Moses, a Kenyan pastor mobilizing other Kenyans into mission.

Meet Carol, a Kenyan missionary reaching the Lopit people in South Sudan.

Meet Paul, a Zambian pastor who has been teaching students in Namibia about the Word of God for over a decade.

Meet Robert, a Kenyan who was called to be a missionary in South Sudan.

Meet Richard, a church planter in Coastal Kenya who’s passion for sharing the gospel is truly inspiring.

Meet Moussa, a Chadian missionary reaching the Mbororo people.

Meet Peter, a missionary to the South Sudanese.

Meet Khotalo, a Lesotho man reaching out to the shepards, the outcasts, of his country.