Using Soccer to Show Christ’s Love

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I was reminded this morning in my time with God that we are meant to be his ambassadors (2 Cor. 5). This means that we are to represent God's kingdom in all that we do, in all that we say and in every aspect of our lives. As kingdom ambassadors it is our job to share the good news of being a part of God's kingdom, both in the here and now and in the kingdom to come.

I was shown a glimpse of the kingdom to come through the words of a friend. I met a Somali refugee man through a mutual friend. In our time together I found out that he used to play soccer for his national team. At this point I laughed at myself and told him I was just starting to coach my son's team and I didn't know what I was doing. He offered to come and help and so I accepted. I am very grateful for his continual help and the friendship that is developing.

During our first practice he kept sharing how amazing the program was and that he was blown away by what was going on. The soccer program is through one of the local churches and is almost entirely made up of local Christian families. I wasn't sure what part of the program impressed him so much. Was it the devotional? Was it the lush green field? Was it the amazing coaching? (Okay, I never thought that.) At least five times he told me how impressed he was. Finally, he then told me that he wants to bring other Somali families to see exactly what is going on at this church. So, I pressed in on this and asked what about it was so special? He replied, "The families are all together here. Fathers are helping coach, mothers are watching their children, the kids are working together and there are entire families present here. This is what I want for my Somali community!"

Though a great story and kudos to the church, I don't want you to miss this:

This man saw a glimpse of the kingdom of God through Christians living out their mundane ordinary lives doing such a thing as taking their kids to soccer practice.

To all those soccer moms and dads out there enduring all the practices - you are shining aspects of the beauty of God's kingdom. {May we all} keep being ambassadors of the King in all aspects of our lives.



This piece was written by a missionary serving among the African Diaspora in the United States. The author’s name has been omitted for safety reasons.


Fishers of Men


Courageous Calling: Timothy