Blog Categories:
Africans in Missions
African Mobilization
Media in Missions
Africa Based Support
Education & Healthcare
Inbound Teams With AIM
Inbound Teams equip new missionaries for life among unreached people groups in Africa. Teams exist in urban and rural contexts and last for one year.
Reaching Their Own
Luka and Umjuma Otuba, of South Sudan’s Lopit tribe, serve as part of a multinational Outreach Team working to reach their own people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
When the Sacrifice Brings Joy
The Karimojong are a people group who live off the beaten path. Theirs is a way of life most of us think of when we think of Africa.
Vibrant Hope
On a bright and dusty morning in Ndjamena, Chad, joyful voices permeate the air, accompanied by drums, guitars, and a keyboard playing on a loop.
Leaning In
The whole scene with the carpets in the dust seemed very Biblical to me. Stately men in robes, reclining at the foot of an elder, bending an ear. But the sight also struck me as a metaphor for the country as a whole. A country at a crossroads. A country leaning in.
The Weight of Hope
AIM AIR visits and encourages Zande church leaders and displaced families in C.A.R.
When God Has Other Plans
On Good Friday, gun and artillery fire split the night. The next morning, our team was evacuated by bush plane from CAR.
Gunfire, a Blind Widow, and a Bundle of Peanuts
At a time when my own heart was screaming agonizing questions of “Why is this happening, Jesus?” a frail, needy widow worn by years of spending herself for God was ministering to me.
Suk al-baggar
Many of the peoples of Chad are still nomadic, and the cattle market is where the many different tribes intersect with each other.
Movement in the South Sudan Hills
“God is doing things within peoples’ hearts, and our job is just to be available when the Holy Spirit is moving.”
Little Village
The varied and vibrant student housing community of Shalom University in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo
A Thousand Days in a Thousand Hills
We haven’t been here that long. Relatively speaking. But a lot can happen in a thousand days.
Image Bearers
Kireka Home, in the heart of Kampala, Uganda, serves as one of the only refuges for children with mental and physical disabilities. In many places in Africa, disabilities bring shame to a child’s family, but here, these children have found something rare and precious: acceptance and love.
Animal Instinct
“It’s easy for me to want to do all the treatments myself, but it is so much better for me to be training vets and setting them on the right path, so they can multiply themselves and head out into Uganda, working with integrity in their profession.”