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Africans in Missions
African Mobilization
Media in Missions
Africa Based Support
Education & Healthcare
We need each other
Only Jesus could bring together a wacky team like us. But I can’t imagine doing this work without a team.
Firm Foundations
What we’re attempting to do here among the Antakarana people is very much the same as building something new.
Movement in the South Sudan Hills
“God is doing things within peoples’ hearts, and our job is just to be available when the Holy Spirit is moving.”
Two Years in the Desert
At the end of the Samburu TIMO team’s two-year term, they gathered together in Nairobi to share their stories.
A Newborn Sakalava Church
This group of young men was singing the word of God, and they were loving it.
A Thousand Days in a Thousand Hills
We haven’t been here that long. Relatively speaking. But a lot can happen in a thousand days.
My First Time Stepping Into Kibera
As my eyes tried to take it all in, I found myself at peace watching these people. Not one of them seemed upset, sad, or hurt. Almost all of them had smiles on their faces, and joy that was visible in their souls.
Becoming a Kid Again
They run on fear, on drugs, and on the will to survive one more day. Some, a few fortunate ones, run into a second chance.
A First-Name Friend
I knew there must be women in this community who could be my friends, and not just the kind that you chat with in passing, but someone I could really know.
The Music of Anzoro
Somewhere in that seemingly inattentive audience, there was one elderly catechist teacher who had inherited a set of instruments that the Zande people call anzoro. Like many of his people, this man associated the anzoro with dancing and drinking parties. Certainly it was not something to be brought to church.
Bathing in Bangadi
Bangadi is a small town tucked into the vast Congo rainforest. This forest claims over one million square kilometres and is among the most beautiful haunts on earth. On world maps it is the smudge of green at the heart of Africa.
When the Tree is Small, You Can Make It Straight
3D Christian Camps are building a trusting generation in Rwanda.
I Write to You, Young Men
“Two thirds of active missionaries are married couples. Another third are single women. The rest are single men.”
An Island Too Far
As our team waded through the water with baggage and provisions atop our heads, stumbling in the thick, powdery sand, we felt like explorers in a new land.
Street Art
“I’m not good with names,” she said, her German accent punctuating each vowel. “But right now there are 150 kids at Safina and I can tell you the name of every child and where they go to school.”