Blog Categories:
Africans in Missions
African Mobilization
Media in Missions
Africa Based Support
Education & Healthcare
“The Namibian church should be a sending church, actively involved in crossing cultural and political boundaries as they are compelled by the love of Christ. AIM Namibia endeavors to serve that purpose, and His Glory!” – Kevin Zwart, Namibia Unit Leader
An Unexpected Journey in BAM
Business as Mission. Business as Ministry. Kingdom Business. Tent Making. Whatever we call it, I believe that business is a tool that God is using to expand His kingdom in difficult contexts.
Getting With the Program
Because of the complexity of mobilisation, the Hub is engaged in researching new culturally appropriate models of mission, as well as helping to build capacity within new and inexperienced African missions organisations.
These Things Are Written That You May Believe
A Celebration of God’s Word Among Kenya’s Rendille People.
When a Little Bit of Coconut Opens Doors
On the coast of Kenya and Tanzania, the Madafu Fellowship Network serves as a constant reminder of how cross-cultural workers should conduct ourselves among the coastal unreached people groups.
Passing the Mantle
How a simple training program is strengthening the church in Mozambique
Jesus on the Diaspora Road
How AIM wants to help the church in North America and Europe love its new African neighbors
The Year of African Mobilization
The door is still open for missionaries from any nation who answer the Lord’s call. As my family and I learned serving in the Islands and the Horn, there is a wonderful strength and blessing in partnerships between foreigners and locals.
Reaching Africans on the Move
Africans live all over the globe, and AIM has big dreams of reaching those in the disapora.
Leaning In
The whole scene with the carpets in the dust seemed very Biblical to me. Stately men in robes, reclining at the foot of an elder, bending an ear. But the sight also struck me as a metaphor for the country as a whole. A country at a crossroads. A country leaning in.
The Weight of Hope
AIM AIR visits and encourages Zande church leaders and displaced families in C.A.R.
When God Has Other Plans
On Good Friday, gun and artillery fire split the night. The next morning, our team was evacuated by bush plane from CAR.
Gunfire, a Blind Widow, and a Bundle of Peanuts
At a time when my own heart was screaming agonizing questions of “Why is this happening, Jesus?” a frail, needy widow worn by years of spending herself for God was ministering to me.
Kijabe Hospital
Kijabe Hospital’s training programs give students the chance to put their medical skills and their love for people and Jesus Christ into practice.
Suk al-baggar
Many of the peoples of Chad are still nomadic, and the cattle market is where the many different tribes intersect with each other.